[0.9.x] [Android] Mob Boxes
5 Sep, 2014,
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The Mob Boxes mod, created by bmx22c, adds mob boxes to the game. With these boxes, you'll be able to pick up mobs and place them into your boxes, store or release them.
The crafting recipe for an empty mob box.
The mob box in your hand.
When you pick up a mob, the box becomes broken for some reason.
You can store the mob box into a chest, or even PLACE it!
You can also release the mob, of course!
Texture Pack: (this is better with, but this is not necessary)
[0.9.x] [Android] Red Spirit Boss Mod
3 Sep, 2014,
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The Red Spirit Boss Mod, created by _Sin0psysS_, adds a new hostile mob spawning at night. When you kill it, it has a chance to drop these items:
- 4 animated capes!; and
- Two types of blocks that is used to spawn "The Boss".
The boss can be spawned using a block pattern. A very strong mob, it regenerates every 50 hearts that it loses.
Other capes give the player special abilities (except the red cape):
- The Dark Cape gives the player sprinting power.
- The Peaceful Cape gives regeneration.
- The Fire Cape makes you stay on fire less longer.

[0.9.x] [Android] Block Detector Mod
2 Sep, 2014,
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The Block Detector, created by MyNameIsAnti, is the perfect mod for a 'newbie' in Minecraft or if you still don't recognize some blocks. Simple look at a block and a small colored text will show up under that block. It is the perfect solution to instantly find out what a block is.
- Block detector (works on every single block!)
- Each block gets its own colored text
- It's open source (meaning you can freely edit it and release it even without giving the appropriate credits)
[0.9.x] [Android] Achievements Mod
2 Sep, 2014,
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One feature which MCPE still lacks compared to the PC version is the achievement system. While it might not be a cool feature in Minecraft, it's still a fun thing to have, in my opinion. With this mod, you can implement achievements into your game.
- 17 possible achievements inspired by the PC version.
- 3 new commands
- Automated achievement system
- /reset (resets all your earned achievements)
- /help
- /info
Here are some screenshots:
[0.9.x] [Android] More Food Mod
7 Apr, 2013,
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Hey guys! Welcome to our brand-new Mods page! To start of, I'll be showing you the More Food mod created by Starfish. It basically adds new foods to MCPE. Here's what you need to type to get those foods:
Do /jellybean for a Jellybean.
Do /goldapple for a Golden Apple.
Do /rawfish for a Raw Fish.
Do /cookedfish for a Cooked Fish.
Do /noodles for Noodles.
Do /rottenflesh for Rotten Flesh.